Sleep is a really big
deal, especially for those of us who don't get it, or get it but never feel
rested. What better time to talk about sleep, or lack of it, than March—"Sleep
Awareness Month."
Came First—The Seed or the Tree?
Many things can lead to sleep deprivation according to those who study it; anxiety or depression, airway obstruction (sleep apnea), narcolepsy (falling asleep without reason), pain, disordered sleep patterns (prevalent in fibromyalgia), and inspiratory airflow dynamics also seen in fibromyalgia.
We know primary sleep disorders affected by a disruption in
the central nervous system (also is in charge of hormones that regulate sleep), sleep
starts, and delayed sleep phase (inability to fall or maintain sleep) and all the other things from the first paragraph, interfere with our sleep quality. However,
other disorders can plague our sleep too; including, teeth grinding (bruxism), periodic
limb movement, PLM, (the vampire of restless leg syndrome), migraine, nocturia (nighttime
urination, caused by bladder dysfunction, or certain other diseases), irritable bowel syndrome, contributing symptoms of myofascial pain syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), and more. Wouldn't it be nice to get some sleep?
Promoting Your Circadian Rhythm
Our circadian rhythm, a physiological cycle of all
living things thought to repeat about every 24 hours, is orchestrated by two
markers, melatonin concentration, and core body temperature. So how can we
affect these things and contribute to restfulness?
Here is a helpful acronym
for sleep hygiene:
S - Schedule bedtime and stick to it
L - Limit physical activity before bedtime
U - Use comfort measures
M - Meditate (count those lambs)
B - Breathe
E - Eliminate stress and food (including caffeine 2-3 hours prior to bedtime)
R - Remember nothing—clear your mind (journal your to-do list so you can let go)
(Cooper and Miller, 2010, pg 167)
S - Schedule bedtime and stick to it
L - Limit physical activity before bedtime
U - Use comfort measures
M - Meditate (count those lambs)
B - Breathe
E - Eliminate stress and food (including caffeine 2-3 hours prior to bedtime)
R - Remember nothing—clear your mind (journal your to-do list so you can let go)
(Cooper and Miller, 2010, pg 167)
Here are some tips that might keep
your internal DVR from repeating the same episodes over-and-over again.:
- Limit caffeine intake to mornings.
- Avoid alcohol in the evening.
- Limit activity two hours before bedtime.
- Don’t eat right before going to bed.
- See if your medications cause insomnia.
- Practice relaxation techniques.
- If deprivation is significant, see your doctor.
in Bed Court!
Sleep deprivation can impede healing, foster agitation, and when severe, cause psychosis. This might explain why so many of us have difficulty fighting off viruses and recovering from injury, the things normally repaired during sleep. When our cells are deprived of oxygen, cellular metabolism and energy is affected.
Sleep deprivation can impede healing, foster agitation, and when severe, cause psychosis. This might explain why so many of us have difficulty fighting off viruses and recovering from injury, the things normally repaired during sleep. When our cells are deprived of oxygen, cellular metabolism and energy is affected.
All the things discussed here—can and do—play a role
in sleep quality. I advocate for my fellow sleep deprived cohorts. If anyone reading this article suspects sleep problems can be contributing to
your symptoms, please report it to your doctor so he or she can get a sleep
study, because many times despite doing everything right, a road block
occurs and we literally lose our map to life. Not having enough or the right kind of sleep can be a major contributor. Effective sleep is important to our overall health.
There are integrative therapies that can be implemented, medications that can help, and specific treatments for specific
sleep disorders, but you will not know without a sleep study where your problem
lies (pardon the pun).
Other blogs on sleep:
Other blogs on sleep:
- What’s the Big Deal about Sleep?
- Is sleep keeping you awake at night? Poor sleep in people with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome
- The Mystery of Sleep in Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Sleep oh sleep, where art thou? Could your fibromyalgia medications be causing insomnia?
- Snooze News - The conundrum of sleep deprivation
- “Wake Up Sleepy Head” - Non-Restorative Sleep in FM and CFS
line appended, April 2018)
Celeste Cooper, RN / Author, Freelancer, Advocate
Think adversity?-See opportunity!

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1 comment:
Thank you so much, Steve. I really appreciate the feedback.
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