Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September is Pain Awareness Month-My Letter for the "March on Pain"

In honor of pain awareness month, September, the American Pain Foundation is planning a virtual "march on pain" to Washington.

Following is my contribution letter:

I have fibromyalgia; chronic fatigue syndrome and chronic myofascial pain (CMP) from myofascial trigger points and have written a book as a way of personal coping and reaching out to help others that are ready and willing.

I do not abuse drugs, yet I find it difficult to find a doctor not terrified to treat my pain. It seems chronic pain patients are accused of overusing medical care, yet it is this same system that puts us in that position. Why should we endure painful procedures that do not help? Why should we be prescribed anything but a pain medication to treat pain? Other alternative medications have many life threatening side effects and interactions with medications that opioids do not.

Having my pain managed should be a basic human right, it should not be decided by others who do not walk in my shoes, nor should I be treated as a criminal. With proper education programs for patients regarding the risks, pain can be controlled and improve quality of life. Should we become addicted, not pseudo addiction, abusers, for which there is a predisposition in some individuals, THEN you can get us the proper help. Please do not assume that we will abuse our pain medications. In fact approximately 70% to 90% of us will have improved mobility without risk of abusing our medications.

Sincerely, Celeste Cooper, author
"Integrative Therapies for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Myofascial Pain: The Mind-Body Connection" (co-author, Jeff Miller, PhD)

Risk Evaluation Mitigation Strategies (REMS), the FDA and pain medications, what it means and the American Pain Foundation plan for using your voice.

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